Daucus carota
English: Cultivated Carrot
Sanskrit/Indian: Shikha-mula
Russian: Морковь

General information:
Cultivated Carrot is an edible root with multiple health benefits, which have been documented for centuries. The Greeks and Romans were the first to realize its therapeutic benefits. Later, the use of carrot spread to the Middle East, where Arab physicians have extensively documented its benefits.
Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A. Recent reports have claimed that the vegetable provides protection against UV rays, reducing the threat of sunburn. It has also been used in Chinese medicine to promote the growth of hepatic cells. A rich antioxidant, beta-carotene, extracted from the vegetable, is being researched for its anti-cancer properties.
An interferon inducer has been isolated from Carrot. It stimulates cells to produce the protein that increases human resistance to virus infections (Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary, C.P.Khare. 212. 2007).It also contains a carotene which synthesizes into vitamin A in the body.
- Carrot juice is known to lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
- Due to its rich fiber content, the vegetable is helpful in maintaining colon health.
- It improves eyesight because of its high vitamin A content.
- Inflamed kidneys, liver and gall bladder are soothed by Carrot juice.